"Lasting Reform Comes From The Inside" [Module #320] (Matt. 23:23-24)

Whole piles of this have washed away
As I press on from day to day
Upon this “Kingdom-layer” in life,
Above the daily-living strife.

In that, indeed, I feel relief;
In that, support beneath my feet;
In that, no barriers exist
To stop; prevent my way; resist.

In that, Christ leaves His peace with us;
In that, there lies His Westman bus
(Or not, it does not matter much,
For transportation now’s enough).

Significance I’ve learned in ways
I’ve come along these many days –
For time with Shabbat’s welcome peace;
For cash with tithing’s sweet release.

The prayer-dynamics surge ahead;
For me seven double-years ’till dead,
Or otherwise quite indisposed,
With how or when just Goodness knows.

“At P.O.” cuts the giver crap;
While “Active-willing” body snapped
Into reality at last;
With Babel-barriers now past –

For barriers are all dissolved
Up on the acetate – involved
With others’ gifts we are in-deed,
And from the worlds’ sick ways relieved.

The mess of life we one-time knew,
Before and after life renewed,
At last has hope of being real,
As life above, below’s revealed.

So life is cleaned from inside-out;
But “up above” frees us from pouts
Which came, replaced by joy throughout
New life in Christ on Kingdom route.

Lord, thanks for all this life renewed,
Now lived on Kingdom-layer – world viewed
Beneath this piece of acetate –
From evil’s ways you separate –

Our lives and us to Kingdom raise;
What sweet relief – we sing Your praise,
And pray with You, “Your Kingdom come –
O Father” – “May we be as one.”

Thanks Lord for this.
