“How” [Module #302] (Matthew 22:11ff)

If indirect or face-to-face – no matter in the end,
Extend the invitation, help them their road to bend
Into a loop of growing, up onto Kingdom plain;
Disciple their maturing – “Wash, rinse, repeat again”.

I’ve gained from both in living – direct and indirect;
My mentors have discipled, at least have done their best;
In one-on-one’s, and training, group sessions, on the phone,
Folks opened up their living, helped me to find a home.

The books, and films, and CD’s, computer feeds, and press,
Have nourished deepest longings, exposed now to the best;
From mentors through the ages, O Lord, help me to see
How we could add our blessings that other folks could be –

Assisted in their living; into Thy Kingdom come;
Relief receive each morning as they encounter some-
Thing of Your presence in them as they’re enriched in life,
Until they feel the wholeness, their darkness brought to light.

Thanks Lord for this.
