“Your Daily Bread”(Matt. 20:23f; Mark 10:39b; Isaiah 49:6) [Module#261]
The “Kingdom-layer” (in Photoshop that is
Or “overhead” of old projection biz),
Is powerful as image of Christ’s way
Of doing life in world that’s ours today.We do not change the world in which we walk;
We don’t insist that others do, who talk
With us; yet find there’s freedom in our acts
To dance about the world with all its facts.“MYOB” is principle of life
Which folks hold dear by day, or in the night;
So walk your walk, enlightened by the One
Who is your light, where new life has begun.In that you’ll be (the “also” in the verse)
A light to nations longing to reverse
Some way they’ve chosen as a better road,
But find out now their sickened by its load.So come on in, take up a “layered look”;
There’s lots of clues of how-to in the Book,
And other folks who walk the Pilgrim Way
You’ll meet en route, and share such bread today.Thanks Lord for this.