“The Gasket”

The “gasket”, sweet result of quest I made,
Is there, was there, before that day I laid
My eyes upon its sure and certain form –
Saw culture-crossing is Apostle’s norm.

It really doesn’t matter who it is,
Or if it fits administrator’s biz;
What matters is if we’ve authority
To be in situations which we see.

For not all situations have our name
Upon their gates, for gifts are not the same;
Assignments vary with the tasks we’re given;
Results arise from God, not ’cause we’ve striven.

So, gasket makes a difference for a tank,
Or snowmobile, for gaskets we must thank
For letting two imperfect pieces lie
Together with “imperfect” set aside.

So what’s the gasket’s role in moving on?
It tightens up compression – it belongs
Where pressure is the highest, lets it rise,
Then be directed upward to the skies.

So Lord, I’m hearing, “Let it go, my man;
Just stay in Me, for it’s in Me you can
Be useful, lying there between two plates
Of solid steel, to both sides you relate –

Absorb their little bumps and fishers small
(If big, it’s no concern of yours at all);
Just be there, it’s okay, for they’ll move on;
Six months or so and troubles will be gone.

Thanks Lord for this.
