Paper Trail - Poems Regarding Transition To Apostleship, Phase 1
- 01 - Exemplify It - "Look Both Ways" [Module #45] (Mark 6:37) (June/06/14)
- 02 - Our Lunch Feeds Others - "Brokenness" [Module #46] (Mark 6:41) - (June/07/14)
- 03 - Small Groups Allow For Local Diversity - "Feed And Release" [Module #47] (Mark 6:47) - (June/07/14)
- 04 - Plant Seeds To Mature Later When Needed - "The Place Of Surface Growth" [Module #48] (Mark 6:48-52) (June/07/14)
- 05 - Teach, Yes, But Also Let People Learn - "On Learning" [Gross and Shapiro - Tao Of Photography - reflections - Sec. 4 - General] (June/07/14)
- 06 - As An Artist, See Into The World Around, Then Hold It Up For Others - "To Photograph Truly Seen" [Gross and Shapiro - Tao Of Photography - reflections - Sec. 5 & Epilogue - General] (Psalm 8; Isaiah 42:19-20; Ephesians 5:13-14) (June/07/14)
- 07 - Apostleship is (Part Of) How Christ Keeps On giving Despite The World's Original Rejection Of Him - "When I Can't Help" (June/08/14)
- 08 - Water-Walk and Do Body-Life And Don't Just Jump In And Help - Insist They Ask for "Help" - "Water-Walking" [Module #49] (Mark 6:48) (June/09/14)
- 09 - Choose (Photo-) Tools Which boost Your "Voice" - "Shoot To Voice" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 4: 7-15] (June/09/14)
- 10 - Keep Perspective (Re Tools and Techniques) Re New And Old, And Changing Circumstances - "Total Picture Control" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 4: 16] (June/10/14)
- 11 - ISO Is Key To Digi-Changeover With Control - "Bridging The Gap" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 4: 17-24] (June/10/14)
- 12 - Get At Doing Photography And Upgrade En Route - "OK - Move On Out" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 4: 25] (James 1:22) (June/10/14)
- 13 - Inter-Active Daily Life In Christ Results In Being The Good Seed In The Mix, So Get At It - "Say What?!!" [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (June/10/14)
- 14 -Past (Unchangeable) Culture affects Our Voice - And With It We Shape A Culture That New People Will Find As Their Voice-Modifying Culture. 15 - So Now Is The Time To Get Involved In Community/Culture building [=Where I Came In] - "Jericho" (June/11/14)
- 16 - Take Or Make This Road That Lies Before Us - Community Building - "Yesterday's Culture" (June/11/14) <
- 17 - Walk Interactively By Faith In Christ, And Ignore People's Unresponsiveness (ie. Exemplify It Yourself) - "Right Side Up; Outside In" [Module #50] (John 6:25-71) (June/12/14)
- 18 - Tailor Annual "June Choice" (Of Community Contribution Activity) To This Transition In Christ, And Be Involved In community Development As Articulated Here - "And Great Was Her Under-Standing" [Module #51] (John 6:26-27; 2 Sam. 20:14-22; Isaiah 55:2; 50:10-11 (RSV); Matthew 25:31-46; Luke 10:25-37) (June/12/14)
- 19 - Take Christ's Hand And Set Out - Make A Road Change In Him And He Will Help You To Tweak It Late If Necessary "Chat" (June/13/14)
Start of Apostleship
- 20 - MYOB, Stu, And Spirit-Walk In Christ, And He'll Guide You As You Walk - "When I'm Walkin’" [Module #52A] (John 6:28-30; 21:21) (June/14/14)
- 21 - Diagonal Life In Christ Acts Like Leaven In Us All, Drawing Us To Christ's Fullness As We Mature In Him - "Fly Fishing" [Module #52B] (John 6:28-30) June/14/14)
- 22 - People Who Have "Done The Loop" Appear, Act, And Speak "In His Name" = How Christ Feeds The Poor In Spirit With Heavenly Bread Of Life - "True Bread Of Life" [Module #53] (John 6:30-36) (June/14/14)
- 23 - Shift Computer Website Base Colour To Yellow To Symbolize This Transition In Christ - "The Switch To Yellow Tint" (June/16/14)
- 24 - Day #1 - Strategy And Tactics Are Now Both In "Forward", In Christ - "Where To Today" (June/16/14)