
Now change of road has raised this specter dark,
I realize, if I’m to do my art
Ahead for seven double-years to end,
I need some tools and processes to bend –

Projection of a straight-line to a curve
Around some obstacles, perhaps to swerve;
So further tips on breaking larger tasks
To smaller steps, is question that I asked.

First thing – “Momentum build, choose smaller goals –
From three to five-day tasks – for which are those
That you’ll feel good when you’ve wrapped up each one,
Not just a step or part – of each is done.

As each progresses on to next on list,
Be sure it’s bigger – you must self-insist
That you must stretch yourself, momentum gain,
To larger tasks take on, through winning game.

Then view big tasks, or problems, objects, goals,
Like eating meals – each part, don’t eat the whole
Of two month’s meals when you sit down to eat;
Just do one meal, take time, for eating’s sweet.

The larger entity is longer fare;
Like “diet”, “balanced nutrients”, compare
Results in larger blocks of working time
Each meal will play its part – you’re doing fine.

Some like to set their goals in sequenced spans,
While others like to problem-solve, and can
Do much the same, but they don’t like to own
The entity – like tow-trucks, send you home.

Make spot-checks as you go – assess the drift,
Trajectories, alert to looming risks;
But focus on the next meal you should make,
Not larger diet scene – or you’ll forsake –

The smaller steps – despairing “You’re not there”
Climb Everest one step, then next, compare
Where you are now with base-camp far below,
And slowly to the top your group will go.

Break up a larger chunk to smaller bits,
Then do one bit each day, with routine mix;
As master of your calendar each day,
Don’t “supersize” and swamp yourself – it’s play!

When starting out, list tasks you have not done,
Which still abide as entities of fun,
Which have a size of three days to a week –
Do three to five of these – your mind you’ll tweak.

For motivation comes from one main source –
Momentum – many wins – when memory’s short
Be sure to use a camera and notes;
Long-term? Six months to five years under yoke.

Go short-term three to five successful tasks,
Then next size up three weeks to six months (fast
Compared to long-term tasks, six months and up),
You’ll do much better if you build to tough.

Of course before you choose a larger task,
You’d better choose one job and questions ask:
Why is this wanted? Exit strategy?
What is the part of this which falls to me?

Dementia’s like Mount Everest – the air
Gets thinner as you climb – you’d best prepare –
But you can do it breaking down the steps,
Then take each one, while conscious mind forgets.
