"In That Number..." [ Module #121] (Luke 10:17)
My auntie wrote this book about
Her mentors – speaking, left no doubt
How blessed she felt by touch of life
On life – deep blessed, far more than “nice”.She said they each included were
If they’d passed on; had been to her
Profoundly influential folk,
Who deeply to her spirit spoke.The illustrator Scripture took
From funeral text, and draft of book,
Then line-art made (“augmented text”),
Each segment different from the next.Each funeral focused on some part
Of who each was, which gave a start
On what to write, to thus impart
An essence of each person’s heart.Christ sent ahead his seventy-two,
As next round built towards me and you,
To mentor as they’d done before
With crew when starting out as four –Then twelve – six pairs with mentorships;
They mentored how to mentor this
Far larger group – “Reach out and touch
The lives of souls who hunger thus.“If they hear you, it’s Me they’ll hear;
So blessed they’ll be through eye and ear”.
And so it is for us today –
Our mentors bless us on our way.My auntie’s blessing? (Still alive) –
That spark of interest in her eye
As she looked up and asked again,
“ How are you doing, Stu?” – retained –In that deep gaze the roads we walked;
An interest in the one who’d talked
With her as ministry we faced;
Then photo brought into her space;Our common view of ministry –
The flow out to community
From all that’s come into our lives
From mentors, some with kinship ties.So thank you, Lois, for your book
To read together here, and look
Into your life and see our lives –
Discipleship – six decades’ ties.Thanks Lord for this.