"Authority To Lay It Down" [Module #114] (John 10:1-29)
“Authority”, not “power”, you say;
“Exoosian”, I see today;
And so in dark Gethsemane,
It’s “dunamis” you lacked, I see.So too with us, it’s power there
We lack when we step out – we dare
To face the world and its allures,
Or pressure when we’re so unsure.Authority (you may be there),
Helps us a lot when it’s compared
With times we’d rather not be seen
To be within some nasty scene –But lack permission to be there;
It’s only us expressing care;
God honors that sometimes, of course,
But in the end, we lack resource.It’s not we get some power then,
It’s more we let His power blend
Within our lives as source, to boost
Our frail resource – like booster-juice.“Command from God” – authority
To lay it down – in that I see
The power issue separates
For each of us who on God waits.When I look back, my life is full
Of instances when stronger pull
Was in direction of the world,
Then He came in with flag unfurled –“You have authority, My son,
To lay it down and be the one
Who gives God room to operate;
So do so now – don’t hesitate.“Stand back and watch My works of power
Explode in Jubilee this hour;
I have the power, authority –
Resides in Christ – through Him to thee.”Lord, that clears up confusing point –
“The power to take it up” anoints
Me with a deeper challenge – how
Am I to know – how can I tell –If I’m to take it up or not;
For I’m not wise – if power I’ve got,
It can be used for good or ill –
Authorities speaks of Your will.So now I see the Spirit is
The power to carry out Your biz;
And Christ with Your authority,
Leaves “this and that” to do for Thee.So there it is – Your “this and that”
Was laying down before You sat
At God’s right hand in heaven above –
You took it up again, in love.So everything we do for You
Is “this and that” – I’ve been a fool!
The issue is not size of these,
But to more one of authority.A “this and that’s” assigned by You;
“Command from God – He told me to
(Or not) right up to laying down
One’s life for all – in that is found –For me, an interactive clue
On how to live my life in You;
From small to large, humongous task,
The key? “Did Christ assign this task?”For, then He has some room to work
Through things we do (or not) – like jerks
And fools in eyes of those around,
But Jubilee in our world’s found.Thanks Lord for this.