"Travel - Upon Returning Home" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 8 - Generally] (Mark 4:22; Matthew Ch. 10)
Travel, now, I see is ’bout returning home;
Most folks see that as across the world they roam;
Journey – quest – to me is what my life’s about –
Finding truth or answer’s never been in doubt.Scripture says that what is true will always out;
Speaking it and living it is only route
Into life that’s meaningful in deepest way –
Even when they shut you up, still you can say –What’s important, what is true, or surface look;
Life is ’neath the surface in the covered book;
Travel photos, journey pictures – film or word,
Can be boring, eyes glaze over – or be heard.Shoot iconic pictures, essence, hold them up;
Edit tightly, cut the clutter, strut your stuff;
Draw the viewers in to see your travel pix;
Make your story best you can – give heaven’s kiss.Thanks Lord for this.