Poems Regarding Apostleship – Phase 1, Unit One - Annotated Index
Prior To Start of Apostleship - At End of "Doing Business" Section
Paper Trail - Poems Regarding Transition To Apostleship, Phase 1
- 01 - Exemplify It - "Look Both Ways" [Module #45] (Mark 6:37) (June/06/14)
- 02 - Our Lunch Feeds Others - "Brokenness" [Module #46] (Mark 6:41) - (June/07/14)
- 03 - Small Groups Allow For Local Diversity - "Feed And Release" [Module #47] (Mark 6:47) - (June/07/14)
- 04 - Plant Seeds To Mature Later When Needed - "The Place Of Surface Growth" [Module #48] (Mark 6:48-52) (June/07/14)
- 05 - Teach, Yes, But Also Let People Learn - "On Learning" [Gross and Shapiro - Tao Of Photography - reflections - Sec. 4 - General] (June/07/14)
- 06 - As An Artist, See Into The World Around, Then Hold It Up For Others - "To Photograph Truly Seen" [Gross and Shapiro - Tao Of Photography - reflections - Sec. 5 & Epilogue - General] (Psalm 8; Isaiah 42:19-20; Ephesians 5:13-14) (June/07/14)
- 07 - Apostleship is (Part Of) How Christ Keeps On giving Despite The World's Original Rejection Of Him - "When I Can't Help" (June/08/14)
- 08 - Water-Walk and Do Body-Life And Don't Just Jump In And Help - Insist They Ask for "Help" - "Water-Walking" [Module #49] (Mark 6:48) (June/09/14)
- 09 - Choose (Photo-) Tools Which boost Your "Voice" - "Shoot To Voice" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 4: 7-15] (June/09/14)
- 10 - Keep Perspective (Re Tools and Techniques) Re New And Old, And Changing Circumstances - "Total Picture Control" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 4: 16] (June/10/14)
- 11 - ISO Is Key To Digi-Changeover With Control - "Bridging The Gap" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 4: 17-24] (June/10/14)
- 12 - Get At Doing Photography And Upgrade En Route - "OK - Move On Out" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 4: 25] (James 1:22) (June/10/14)
- 13 - Inter-Active Daily Life In Christ Results In Being The Good Seed In The Mix, So Get At It - "Say What?!!" [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (June/10/14)
- 14 -Past (Unchangeable) Culture affects Our Voice - And With It We Shape A Culture That New People Will Find As Their Voice-Modifying Culture. 15 - So Now Is The Time To Get Involved In Community/Culture building [=Where I Came In] - "Jericho" (June/11/14)
- 16 - Take Or Make This Road That Lies Before Us - Community Building - "Yesterday's Culture" (June/11/14) <
- 17 - Walk Interactively By Faith In Christ, And Ignore People's Unresponsiveness (ie. Exemplify It Yourself) - "Right Side Up; Outside In" [Module #50] (John 6:25-71) (June/12/14)
- 18 - Tailor Annual "June Choice" (Of Community Contribution Activity) To This Transition In Christ, And Be Involved In community Development As Articulated Here - "And Great Was Her Under-Standing" [Module #51] (John 6:26-27; 2 Sam. 20:14-22; Isaiah 55:2; 50:10-11 (RSV); Matthew 25:31-46; Luke 10:25-37) (June/12/14)
- 19 - Take Christ's Hand And Set Out - Make A Road Change In Him And He Will Help You To Tweak It Late If Necessary "Chat" (June/13/14)
Start of Apostleship
- 20 - MYOB, Stu, And Spirit-Walk In Christ, And He'll Guide You As You Walk - "When I'm Walkin’" [Module #52A] (John 6:28-30; 21:21) (June/14/14)
- 21 - Diagonal Life In Christ Acts Like Leaven In Us All, Drawing Us To Christ's Fullness As We Mature In Him - "Fly Fishing" [Module #52B] (John 6:28-30) June/14/14)
- 22 - People Who Have "Done The Loop" Appear, Act, And Speak "In His Name" = How Christ Feeds The Poor In Spirit With Heavenly Bread Of Life - "True Bread Of Life" [Module #53] (John 6:30-36) (June/14/14)
- 23 - Shift Computer Website Base Colour To Yellow To Symbolize This Transition In Christ - "The Switch To Yellow Tint" (June/16/14)
- 24 - Day #1 - Strategy And Tactics Are Now Both In "Forward", In Christ - "Where To Today" (June/16/14)
Poems Regarding Apostleship – Phase 1, Unit One, Volume 01 – "Apostleship"
- 1-01 - Three People I'm currently mentoring are "passer-oners" of wisdom I too have received. - "Three Cards" [Poem withheld temporarily] (June/17/14)
- 1-02 - Prayer for mentees God brings us for assistance - "Who" [Module #54] (John 6:37) (June/17/14)
- 1-03 - Feed Mentees for Christ between now and His coming again - "Care And Feeding" [Module #55] (John 6:38-40) (June/17/14)
- 1-04 - Because all factors are in flux, picture content changes - "Constancy In Change" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 5: Intro] (June/18/14)
- 1-05 - Climate change is creating a "new normal" to which we must adapt - "Yesterday’s Whirl" (June/20/14)
- 1-06 - MYOB, Stu, and avoid the Herod-type schemes (go home by another way) - "A Different View Of Herod" [Module #56] (John 6:41-45; Matt 2:1-23) (June/20/14)
- 1-07 - Prayer that others see Kingdom Of God in/through us - "The Loop, The Father, And The Kingdom" [Module #57] (John 6:46) (June/20/14)
- 1-08 - Loop described - keep your elevation/point of view, Stu - "Eternal View In Here And Now" [Module #58] (John 6:47) (June/21/14)
- 1-09 - Unless the seed dies, it bides alone - "Candle Snuffing Context" [Module #59] (John 6:48-51) (June/21/14)
- 1-10 - Description of Summer in Manitoba - "Manitoba Summer" (June/21/14)
- 1-11 - Aspects of portraiture - capture the deep in people and hold it up - "The Portraitist" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 5: Generally] (1 Cor. 13:8-13; Psalm 42:7) [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (June/22/14)
- 1-12 - What we do not yet understand in Scripture is tomorrow's food - grow up into it - "Our Daily Bread" [Module #60] (June/23/14)
- 1-13 - People are built for deep water - the loop takes people back to other people's shallows - "Sent Back To Shallowed Life" [Module #61] (John 6:53-59) (June/23/14)
- 1-14 - Throttle back to current tasks and let others change direction/dodge you - "Against The Flow" (June/23/14)
- 1-15 - Matrix approach to photo genres is VG - 1-16 - Shift off "auto" and keep growing as a person to make better pix - "Portraiture Matrix" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Matrix of Chapter 1-4 With Chapter 5] (June/24/14)
- 1-17 - Christ is fuel, but needs to be taken in to be useful - "Fed Up" [Module #62] (John 6:52) (June/25/14)
- 1-18 - Invited, we invite others to live fully in Christ - "Long Journey Home" [Module #62-plus = #466)] (John 6:59) (June/25/14)
- 1-19 - Description of my journey through three sets of gifts - help to self and others - transformative process - "Onto The Scaffolding" [Module #63] (John 6:60-71) (June/25/14)
- 1-20 - Be pro-active in current health issues - "The How of Orange" (June/25/14)
- 1-21 - MYOB in others' walk in life - "Walk The Walk" [Module #64] (Jn.7:1; Luke 7:1-23;Matt.14:34-36; Mark 6:53-56) (June/25/14)
- 1-22 - Quality work always generates friction - "With Quality And Excellence" [Module #65] (Matthew 15:21-31; Mark 7:24-37; Proverbs 22:29) (June/26/14)
- 1-23 - Beware of volatile contexts you mentor in - cool it down - "Volatility" [Module #66] (Matt. 15:21-31; Mk.8:1-27; Luke 12:1) (June/26/14)
- 1-24 - Don't seek to avoid the cost of Maturity - "Speaking Of Phase Two" [Module #67] (Matt. 16:13-23; Mark 8:27-33; Luke 9:23-27) (June/27/14)
- 1-25 - Connect with power for life - but life has costs - "Power's Inversion" [Module #68] (Matt.16:24-28; Mark 8:34-9:1; Luke 9:23-27) (June/27/14)
- 1-26 - Bring all (marginalized) gifts to the table as we work out a new iteration of Geddie's three-layer-cake - "The How of Green" (June/27/14)
Poems Regarding Apostleship – Phase 1, Unit One, Volume 02 – "Purple"
- 2- 01 - Articulation of the core componnts of "purple" part of my life from here on in - Loop; interactive; copied - deep to deep - "The How of Purple" (Isaiah 40:29-31) [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (June/29/14)
- 2- 02 - Do fifth-business /this and that of rural life at FBC - with urban garnish - "Rural Church" (June/30/14)
- 2- 03 - Start of a hectic normal week - "View From The First Of The Week" [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (July/02/14)
- 2- 04 - Relief of a de-coded institution - "Your Glory Now" [ Module #69] (Matt. 16:27-28; Mark 8:38-9:1; Luke 9:26-27) (July/03/14)
- 2- 05 - Proportionate chunks of seven double-years - "Time,Time, Time, And A Half - Proportional Breakdown Of Time" (July/04/14)
- 2- 06 - Utilize second chance by enacting preps to avoid crises - "When Need Has Trumped Preparedness" [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (July/05/14)
- 2- 07 - When in a jam as an Apostle, circle of zorro can be the discipling model - "Zorro's Circle" [ Module #70A] (Matt. 17:1-8; ; Mark 9:2-8; ; Luke 9:28-36 [31-33]) (July/05/14)
- 2- 08 - Church renewal is caused by one person (eg Stu - loop) changing and then affecting others - "Out Of The Cottage, Out From Loop" [Module #70B] (Matt. 17:1-8; ; Mark 9:2-8; ; Luke 9:28-36 [31-33]) (July/05/14)
- 2- 09 - Live on resurection ground in Christ with hand out behind you to assist others walking - "Resurection Ground" [Module #71] (Matt. 17:5; ; Mark 9:7; ; Luke 9:35) (July/06/14)
- 2- 10 - Sometimes we are overwhelmed, therefore remain silent and ponder 'till later - "Sense Enough To Keep Quiet" [Module #72] (Luke 9:36; James 3:1-12) (July/06/14)
- 2- 11 - 8Hrs/day clue re how to do FBC with media per website section - "First Urban's Gone, Then Rural" [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (July/06/14)
- 2- 12 - Kids and family pictures - cf FBC - "Kids And Families" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 6 - Generally] (July/06/14)
- 2- 13 - Rich insights on kids and family pictures from matrix - "Back To Basics" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Matrix Of Chapters 1-4 With Chapter 6] (July/07/14)
- 2- 14 - TCK interaction in Christ (vs gift-driven life) - 8 hrs/day revised as a guide re: new when the end comes to the gifts-driven paradigm - "Received" [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (July/11/14)
- 2- 15 - Jubalee ka-boom ends old and transforms bad scene into freedom - "The Field Of Butterflies" [Module # 73A] (Matthew 17:12-13; Mark 9:13) (July/12/14)
- 2- 16 - All Christ wants to do thru me is ka-boom to give freedom - via this and thats - "Ka-Boom!" [Module # 73B] (Matthew 17:12-13; Mark 9:13) (July/12/14)
- 2- 17 - Weddings and ceremonies etc are cultural artifacts and can be viewed from Echoland etc. - "All Things New" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 7 - Generally] (Proverbs 22:29) (July/13/14)
- 2- 18 - Matrix insights into cross-cultural photography - "Whiskers-Pictures" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Matrix of Chapters 1 To 4 With Chapter 7] (Matthew 6:2 ) (July/14/14)
- 2- 19 - Articulation of/on cross cultural photography as my new photo exchange task - "Make A Plan?" [Module # 74] (Matthew 17:14-21; Mark 9:14-29; Luke 9:37-43) (July/14/14)
- 2- 20 - Quality output (eg pix) withstands the storms in clients' lives - "Behind The 'Seems' Photography" (Proverbs 22:29 ) (July/15/14)
- 2- 21 - Double-days give plenty of time for output and family, fun etc - "When Time Is Short" [Module # 75] (Matthew 17:22-26; Mark 9:30-32; Luke 9:43-45) (July/16/14)
- 2- 22 - Live interactive inChrist so that others experience Christ thru us - "To Welcome In His Name" [Module # 76] (Matthew 18:1-5; Mark 9:33-37; Luke 9:46-48) (July/16/14)
- 2- 23 - Prospect of continued health issues as the "new Normal" - "On Receiving 'The Call'" (July/16/14)
- 2- 24 - Grace carries us forward - "Kaleidoscopic Life" [Module # 77] (Matthew 18:3-5; Mark 10:15;9:37; Luke 18:17; 9:48) (July/17/14)
- 2- 25 - A walk in freedom gives rural jubalee - "Nine Months" [Module # 78] (Mark 9:37-41; Luke 9:48-50) (July/17/14)
- 2- 26 - Some aspects of Spirit-walking articulated (as leader and the led) - "Cut That Out" [Module # 79] (Matt. 18:6-9; Mark 9:42-48; Luke 17:1-2) (July/17/14)
- 2- 27 - Rise to responsible leadership (of either type) - "Leadership" [Module # 80] (Matt. 5:13; Mark 9:49-50; Luke 14:34-35) (July/17/14)
- 2- 28 - Ignore the squeeky certification and offer the gospel of forgiveness - "It's Not The Will..." [Module # 81A] (Matt. 18:10-14;) (July/17/14)
- 2- 29 - Need to smarten up in regards to the new health imperatives - "Actively Willing" (Luke 18:41) (July/17/14)
- 2- 30 It's not God's will we die, but we have a role to play in terms of personal and community choices - "It's Not The Will..." [Module # 81B] (Matt. 18:10-14;) (July/18/14)
Poems Regarding Apostleship – Phase 1, Unit One, Volume 03 – "Yellow"
- 3-1 - Health Issues demand a new urgencyto implement what is already known (and get at it) - "The When Of Yellow" (July/18/14)
- 3-2 - In this society, "team" is done throgh the mechanism of cash, - use it, especially re; excessive existing load - "The Tipping Point And Teamwork" [Module # 82] (Matt. 18:15-20) (July/18/14)
- 3-3 - Forgive - don't drag a load - "Out Of Line Again?" [Module # 83] (Matt. 18: 21-35) (July/18/14)
- 3-4 - Hold your focus to make straight furrows - "Fit" [Module # 84A] (Luke 9:51-56; John 7:2-10) (July/18/14)
- 3-5 - Ask for content of both parts of prayer dynamics now known, and live forward in Christ inter-actively - "Goin' South" [Module # 84B] (Luke 9:51-56; John 7:2-10) (July/18/14)
- 3-6 - The time is now right for me to engage (with clues to that in day to day life often) - "The Coming Of The Right Time" [Module # 85] (John 7:1-24) (July/19/14)
- 3-7 - An instance of cross-cultural bridging done successfully in Christ - "Loaves And Fishes By The Lake" (Matthew 14:13-21) [Poem withheld temporarily] (July/22/14)
- 3-8 - Dump the instl church as a contest for work or para-work, and make G's project your focus from now to the end of the seven double-years - that is the focus of the end of the furrow - put your hand to the plough - "Ok-Uncle..." [Poem withheld temporarily] (July/22/14)
- 3-9 - Don't buy into either the upside-down world, or pointing out that it is upside down (that is not your job, Stu) - "The Game" [Poem withheld temporarily] (July/23/14)
- 3-10 - It is life on the [L]edge of adventure with all its ambiguities owing to there being no pre-existing trail - "Call It" [Module #86] (John 7:12) (July/23/14)
- 3-11 - Build up the saints as ministry workers, as spirit walkers in service as Christ's body - "Body Life" (July/23/14)
- 3-12 - Inter-group Bable walls need to be maintained but "ap ministry" describes those who intentionally slip through those walls - "Standards" [ (July/23/14)
- 3-13 - My urging folks to be patient with the speed of growth in other groups and individuals (as I continue to plant appleseeds)"Location" [Poem Temporarily Withheld] (July/23/14)
- 3-14 - A statement of encroaching memory issues and their projected eventual victory over "normal" activities - "When Funny Turns To Sad" (July/25/14)
- 3-15 - A North American Indian view of colonial versions of Christianity, and an appeal to the settlersto lift their heads and see the issue - "Unteachable" [Module #87A] (John 7:12) (July/25/14)
- 3-16 - Affirmation of a cross-cultural wedding - "The Three Sisters" [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (July/26/14)
- 3-17 - How Christ works through us after cleaning up the soul-soil - "Patience" [Module #87B] (John 7:12) (July/26/14)
- 3-18 - Plighting of kTroth - the reality of its challenge in daily life for all of us - "La Barriere" [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (July/27/14)
- 3-19 - My poetic and fiction paper-trail flows out from my echoland point of view - "Detail" (July/28/14)
- 3-20 - Live authentically out from our true (eg. TCK) base [as our voice] - "Authenticity" [Module # 88] (John 7:18) (July/28/14)
- 3-21 - The role and place of fictional stories [which carry truth vs. are true] in life - "Appearances" [Module # 89] (John 7:19-24) (July/28/14)
- 3-22 - Value and cautions re: my use of and involvements in rituals - "Why Ceremony?" [Module # 90] (John 7:19-24) (July/28/14)
- 3-23 - A farewell to a friend, and a note re: her ongoing legacy in our common concern re: first nations educationl issues - "Now Comes The Dawn" (July/29/14)
- 3-24 - Notes re patty and her emerging photographic gift - "A Hint Of Future Pictures" [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (July/29/14)
- 3-25 - My journey /quest and my travel pictures of it - make them good - "Travel - Upon Returning Home" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 8 - Generally] (Mark 4:22; Matthew Ch. 10) (July/30/14)
- 3-26 - Reflection on travel/quest photos and their use - "Sharing Your Quest Results" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Matrix Of Chapters 1-4 With Chapter 8] (July/30/14)
- 3-27 - Be yourself - first impressions seem to stick - "First Impressions" [Module #91] (John 7:25-31) (Aug/01/14)
- 3-28 - Random behaviour does not alarm people - be a Spirit walker - "How It's Done Today" [Module #92] (John 7:12ff) (Aug/01/14)
- 3-29 - We need to provide our goods for exchange and Give god something He can bless Through with His works of power - it's not all from his side - "Whose Power And Resource?" [Module #93] (John 7:19b-20) (Aug/02/14)
- 3-30 - Opt into life as a spirit walker vs. "lottery win" and its promise of acceptance(/not) - "The Winners" [Module #94] (John 7:19-24) (Aug/02/14)
- 3-31 - My life-map in brief from TCK to Quest to credentialled Apostolic Ministry to G-F land - "The Map Of Life" [Module #95] (John 7:27-36) (Aug/02/14)
- 3-32 - Put you and your art out there for people to be fed - "Put It Out There" [Module #96] (John 7:37-39; 1 Cor.12:4-6) (Aug/02/14)
- 3-33 - Christ invites us to walk through closed walls and doors of culltures - "Walking Through Walls" [Module #97A] (John 7:39a) (Aug/02/14)
- 3-34 - Several aspects of time as a Spirit-walker - "Mean-time" [Module #98] (John 7:39b) (Aug/02/14)
- 3-35 - Self-sacrificial living (and stories of same) results in development of community - join in! - "Getting Here" [Module #99] (John 7:39c) (Aug/02/14)
- 3-36 - Do your Works of Power task, Stu - what is not done blends bak into the soup - "Just Do Your Part" [Module #97B] (John 7:39a) (Aug/02/14)
- 3-37 - Let Christ have His say through your (Works of Power) photos, Stu, from the TCK point of view - "In His Name" [Module #100] (John 7:40-44) (Aug/02/14)
- 3-38 - Prayer dynamis cut through the internal and external nay-sayers - "Creds" [Module #101] (John 7:45-52) (Aug/02/14)
- 3-39 - Christ and Nicodemus both did "fifth-business" tasks - you can too - obey and do "this and that" when it emerges - "Fifth Biz" [Module #102] (John 7:48-52) (Aug/02/14)
Poems Regarding Apostleship – Phase 1, Unit One, Volume 04 – "Grace"
- 4-1 - Sometimes peolple are the sermon - by just having survived - "O Lord, My God..." (Aug/09/14)
- 4-2 - At dawn, step out into diagonal life - provide your half of resource - "Off To Bed, Or Daily Bread?" [Module #103] (John 8:1) (Aug/11/14)
- 4-3 - Pull back to TCK Point of view as your Zorro's circle - then non-response gets potent - "Take Your Time" [Module # 104] (John 8: 2-11) (Aug/11/14)
- 4-4 - Stay faithful in assigned task in Christ - even if you are stopped, others in the team can make it - "When I Can't" [Module # 105] (John 8: 6b-11) (Aug/11/14)
- 4-5 - Be the "tree" draw up resource and process it into poems and augment such text - apply the right-brain insights to work at hand - "Light In The Darkness" [Module # 106] (John 8: 12) (Aug/11/14)
- 4-6 - Push "augmented text" of Scripture out as "wick" as a structure for light to burn on - focused effort is now needed here - "Never Walk In Darkness" [Module # 107] (John 8: 12b) [Poem Temporarily Withheld] (Aug/12/14)
- 4-7 - I laid down credentialls, and then took them up again in a totally different way - what Christ does through me in my using Augmented Text - "The Power To Take It Up (Again)" [Module #108] (John 8: 13) (Aug/14/14)
- 4-8 - You don't need credentials to do the work of Christ in the world - "No Licence (Now) Required" [Module #109] (John 8: 13b) (Aug/14/14)
- 4 -9 - When shooting action pix, the key is to shoot for the "character" underneath - "Outsiders" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry -[Chapter 9 - Generally] (Aug/17/14)
- 4-10 - Shoot the story of the force which impelled a person into an active lifestyle - "To Move Outside Convention" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - [Matrix Of Chapters 1-4 With Chapter 9] (Aug/17/14)
- 4 -11 -These modules mark the shift from Jesus working with 12 apostles to 72 disciples, and Graham's project ramp-up - "There is a Light In Life" [Module #110] (John 8: 12) (Aug/20/14)
- 4-12 - Maintaining one's altitude in the loop is NB in daily life - "In Christ" [Module #111] (John 8: 21) (Aug/20/14)
- 4-13 - I work in "Temple" not as staff but as participant, providing "wateed down" gospel for newbies - "Continuation In Him" [Module #112] (John 8: 31-32) (Aug/20/14)
- 4-14 - It is important to stay in Christ re pacing of help to others - "Ease On Back" [Module #113] (John 8: 31-32) (Aug/20/14)
- 4 -15 - Ask, "Do I have Christ's authority to do this (vs. the power)" so that I can lay down or take up again anything in Him (regardless of size) as a "this and that" - "Authority To Lay It Down" [Module #114] (John 10:1-29) (Aug/20/14)
- 4-16 - Scriptural description of pastoral ministry - "Pastoral Design" [Module #115] (John 10:1-18) (Aug/20/14)
- 4-17 - Description of Apostle's task as cultural boundary crossers who go to live there (vs. removing such cultures) as salt, light, and leaven bearers / seeds - "Not Of This Fold" [Module #116] (John 10:7-18) (Aug/20/14)
- 4-18 - The geometric growth of mentoring is noted at this stage of Jesus' work - "Six Twelves" [Module #117] (Luke 9: 57-61) (Aug/20/14)
- 4-19 - Not all people adapt well to the pain of apostolic training/task - so at least leave a paper trail Stu - "Paper Trail" [Module #118] (Luke 9:57-58) (Aug/20/14)
- 4-20 - Words plus actions arising out of prayer dynamics, stu, results in growth of kingdom life in othes - "Harvest" [Module #119] (Luke 9: 59-60) (Aug/20/14)