Test Flight

It’s not just how one sees the world, it’s how the world sees you;
It’s not just what you choose to act, it’s what they see you do;
This is an age of make-believe, where fantasy is King,
Where Facebook and the Internet their snap-opinions sing.

I had not seen how good it is that this should be the way;
Nor had I seen the role of those who clearly see today,
Just where society is at, the way they view your acts;
For then you know ahead of time the spin they’ll put on facts.

One cannot change that much the world which we are placed within;
Nor can one change the age we live, or change its mix of sin;
But we can shift our focus to the Spirit we’ve been given,
And live our lives responsive to that guidance from the heavens.

And when we wander off a cliff from nibbling away
From all the other sheep, we can be found – and live today;
When we goof up, rebel, and eat the husks they feed the pigs,
We can come home to waiting arms and do another gig.

When we get lost in cushy life, like coins in sofa deep,
So out of circulation are (such rescues don’t come cheap),
We get to play our role in life once more, by Jesus' grace,
And step right up to challenges, once more and take our place.

I love the way life flows around, we need not rivers push;
I love the way life works for us, like vegetation lush;
I love the way we get a chance to fix the mess we’ve made;
I love the way God works for us to fill the plans we’ve laid.

But most of all I love the way each day starts crisp and bright;
The way we get to start again when dark has been our night;
I love the way life opens up each day like fragrant flower;
I love the reaffirming way God shares with us His power.

Lord, as I start this second week within this set of weeks,
Help me stay focused in Your word, help others when they seek
To hear a word of wisdom, knowledge (guidance from above),
And through what they experience, discern Your heart of love.

Through languages so strange to them, interpretations too;
Through acts of faith and works of power be more aware of You;
Through Your prophetic words to them, and healing in their time,
Help people feel Your presence, Lord, and walk across that line –

That line which separates two ways to live our lives each day;
That line which bids us cross to You, and choose a better way;
That line which bids us rise above the common and the mean;
That line where lives of quality describe where we have been.

Lord, to the Ministry of Word I was ordained in past;
And sacrament they added on, a way of life that’s vast;
From there it fades to special types of ministry You gave
Through each of us – the five main types defining how we live.

For me it’s crossing cultures – not the foreign and far,
But more the walls of Echoland, for barriers there are
Between all groups – gift-allergies which date from Babel times;
But compensating factors make my Echoland sublime.

The view across the borderlands between two disparate groups,
Gives clarity and way to view which steps out of the loops
Of things which we get trapped within – we see with freshened eyes,
The common ways assumed by folks, brings freshness to their lives.

I know this guy, a TCK, who in the science space
Is boundary-crosser twixt five groups or six – in any case,
He listens and he watches, let’s the worlds of thought flow by,
And tosses out these Golden eggs, within which treasures lie.

The Ministry of Word fits in, for me as TCK,
As passing concepts to the folks who need them day to day;
Most think I’m weird, I don’t make sense, until they hit some wall,
And then what I’ve been noticing is precious to them all.

We’ve figured out how eggs are passed twixt gifts, and down the line;
We’ve figured out the roles we play, how yours relate to mine;
So as we plug this in today and turn the power on,
We should see life spring up and bring a cash return along.

Norwegian proverb says a hero is the one who hangs
On one more minute than the rest, when circumstances bangs
Us up against some barrier, obscurity, or fix,
When we set out to walk some road with just our bag of tricks.

So, let’s press on, it matters not what people think of us;
We’ve got a good solution to the Cheaper Cheeper muss;
A glitch or two no doubt remains, it’s awesome as it stands,
It promises to bring some hope, and work to many hands.

I’m staggered by the size of it, of just its scale and scope;
My mind is boggled by the way it real-izes hope;
As I change gears, engage with it, I feel like brothers Wright,
Whose rickety machine that day took off and started flight.
