First Invoice

Got an invoice (feels much better)
For the blanks – that took some time;
Now I feel the movement forward,
Give-and-take's the rhythm, rhyme.

You see giving as the essence
Of how business works – it's not;
It’s exchange of goods and service,
There's one piece which you forgot –

You do not affirm another
Charging less than cost each day;
That's not fair, and we all know it –
Though it's nice, we know it's play.

Play is all that's left here for us,
In this sick economy;
Like how European Union
Sidelines folks like you and me.

They don't tell about that story,
Nightly on the evening news;
How they use the television
To placate with circus views.

When you charge full price for service,
Goods, whatever – huge effect –
"Here's resource, you are included –
Cash or credit? – you select."

That says to me, "You're in business;
Outflow of your cash to mine
Is the B-to-B of commerce,
Value added – works just fine.

Cheaper is your style of business,
If it works, that's not my care;
Just don't "charity" my efforts,
Or I'll walk away from there.

Start up costs are high, I know it,
Takes a while to straighten out
All the wrinkles of new systems,
But one thing is not in doubt –

It's the flow of cash on through it
(Out for inputs; in for goods);
When that happens, it's a business,
You're a part of neighborhood.

That is also true, my neighbor,
In my business every day;
If you will not buy my output,
That means I must go away.

When you charge me for your output,
You say, "Play or leave the field";
I step up and pay your invoice,
With this cash, my future's sealed.

I must then charge other people,
Generate some surplus cash;
I can't charge for freebies, can I?
Give-and-take is what I ask.

If there aren't sufficient people
In this rural piece of space,
Internet might open markets
So I need not leave this place.

Meantime, thank you for the invoice,
With my cheque I feel affirmed;
Now included in the commerce,
That's the part today I've learned.
