Alignments Of The Stars

I think I see why I reluctant am
     To step into the breach
          These days,
               And do the task which
                    Rises to the fore –

It’s fear –
     Fear that the Giants
          Whom I faced
                And fled
                     From years ago,
                          Still stock
                               The Promise Land,
                                         My return.

I’m not the first
     To face dilemma this –
          For long ago
               Those people of
                    The desert,
                         Huddled thus
                              Around and on
                                   That green oasis
                                        Of Your love
                                             And care,
                                                  O Lord –

They knew my fear;
     The fear
          That all their past,
               Though cast like pebbles
                     In your sea of glass,
                          Would surface
                                Now –

And stand before them,
     Mocking all their
                And fear –

For having fled the field
     When facing foes
           Far greater than their strength –
                As slaves
                      Inside –
                           Though outside,
                                Slaves no more.

So here I am, O Lord;
     Like them, a veteran
          Of oasis years –

Not going forth,
     Not going back,
          But eking out a life
               You opened up
                     For me –
                          “Eight hours a day” –

Yet even there,
     I could not run full stretch
          With full exuberance,
                Joy, and zest –
                     The zest you built
                           Into our longing hearts,
                                In image of your
                                     Very self.

     Even now
          I hear Your word
               Of grace
                    And guidance,
                         As I stand
                               Before Your throne –

And contemplate
     The challenge
          Of the days which lie ahead –

“Stu, go ahead –
     You need not fear the Giants,
          For the life I have for you
               Is much beyond
                    The point
                         Of their attack.

“For all I have in mind
      Is summed up in
           The phrase I gave to you.
                You need not fear –
                     “For constellations are just stars
                            In clusters,
                                 Viewed from earthly point of view –

“Each star aligned
     To form a pattern
          Pleasing to the eye –

“But even there
     They shift and change,
          For they are each
               In fact
                    In movements
                         Of their own –
                              More like,
                                        In their
                                                       To human eyes.

“Life complex is;
     And when folks view
          The stars around them,
               Or events
                    And times
                         From which
                                   Come –

“They see with fear,
     Or hope, or joy –
               Which we
                          Are real.

“But no –
      They need not fear the stars,
           Or constellations
                Of events
                     From days gone by,
                          Despite who might
                               Recall –

“Just walk on by –
     And when you
          Come to strongholds
               Of your past,
                     I’ll show the way –

“Just like today –
      And say to you,
          ‘Just circle 'round
                That city
                     Seven times,
                          Then shout,
                               And blow
                                    Your horns’–

Then wham!
     It will be gone –
          For they’ll be spooked
               By constellations
                    Which they see,
                          Or think they see,
                               But aren’t
                                    (For them
                                         Or you).

“Eight hours a day –
     Not in the way
          You thought –
               Or think –
                    Or ever will –

“Just do the hours –
      And leave the rest to me –
          ‘A point of view,
                 A focus,
                           A way of doing

