I think last night I spooked the guy just sitting in my pew;
When he was done I chatted there, said hi to one or two;
And then, by ‘chance’ he walked on by, I took the op to say,
"Of euthanasia you said naught – of its approaching day –For we cannot afford to keep the boomers all alive,
So why annuities and such should all us boomers buy?
My mom is in a nursing home – go figure from your stats –
It won't add up – we bankrupt are – I wish you'd talked of that."A nervous look swept o'er his face – perhaps he heard in that,
Attack upon the work he did – (I cannot take it back);
He's good – I did not mean to cast aspersions on his work,
Or make him feel that in my eyes I held contempt, or smirk.I simply meant, "The numbers say to me it's down the tube,
The kids will flush their old and weak when that's how we are viewed;
Survivors of abortion saw their brothers, sisters, flushed,
When cash and time were short, which turned commandment-six too mush.An op he has to raise that up, speak into boomers hearts:
'Look after mom and pop today – a better model start';
It may not do the trick for all, but he might save one life:
Perhaps, like Esther, he's been called to slow upcoming strife.navigation