How Well I Remember
How well I remember the terror, it ripples still here in my heart –
The strangeness of customs and language, when I from my homeland depart.
Temptation to run surges through me, as fear rises fast at the scene,
For everything sets off alarm bells, "familiar" is not what it seems.I long for the comfort of homeland, the place that I've carved in the Sun,
Where I am the king of my castle, defining acceptable fun;
Where trees lose their leaves in the winter, and snow makes a squeal underfoot,
Where signs of the Christmas approaching, are present wherever I look.The palm trees are nice in their waving; the flowers bring joy to my heart;
The swimming pools turquoise in sunlight; and sunset with cloud is like art;
The ripples of tiles on the rooftops; and balconies coral and bright
Make scenes which are pleasant to look at, but still in my heart it's not right.What's right to my mind is familiar – to me that's my land in the North,
The place where my friends and relations, accept me for what I am worth;
Down here people have no idea of what makes my living worthwhile;
One thought of the friends in my homeland, my face softens into a smile.But hey! I'm so glad you persisted – pushed on through your terror to here;
The tigers that roam in the roadways are paper, not how they appear;
It's always that way – fear within us, keeps us trading circles in snow;
That may be your greatest achievement – you found out what few people know:Maturity comes with a price tag – we leave what we know far behind,
And step to our future with trembling, feel pain when it stretches our mind;
But when we press into our terror, despite all that rises within,
Our past becomes richer and deeper, and freedom we long for begins.Today you're a much different person (this world will not trigger your fear);
You still have Canadian winters, and friends who you love to have near;
But now you've discovered resilience was in you – and strength from your friends;
Press through every day of your living, that's how insecurity mends.navigation