Pricing Intangibles
So there it lies – now I can see
Defined at last my question three:
"All projects grow when you're involved,
But ‘just returns’ is not resolved".Relating to a ‘function curve’,
A project grows, pay takes a swerve;
Quips one, " ‘commission-dectomy’ –
‘Too bad, you lose’, (I know, that's me)."You saw it in my problem here
(Of Davis book, to you so clear):
"I see it's bigger than I thought –
How best to respond as structured ‘ought’?""You give away the shop, you fool",
One said to me back at the school;
"Encouragers do that each day,
Then whine when it no longer pays.""You flip to free – then it's no scam,
Your twisted gifts are sick, my man;
For you must give, impelled within,
Which people now – that's how they win.""Resourced inclusion's what you said
Defines our love, when love you've read;
Love pours on you, the love you lack –
It flows right off your duck-like back.""Restraint is half of life", she said;
"If you don't see, you'll soon be dead,
For ‘giving always’ doesn't work –
Old Abe, to Isaac, was a jerk.""In five years you'll be broke," You said,
("So smarten up", I had not read);
I could not hear ’till I was broke,
And then I heard of what You spoke –That was the April day I saw
The modeled tree with fruit still raw;
"A church should more a business be,
And business should be like a tree."With that – and garden at the farm,
Swapped labour, watching good and harm,
I entered into MRD
To look at our economy.Once, "functions" beached me – tried to hear
What they were saying – seemed so weird –
I see it now, it's all the same –
Like darkroom's logs controlling "gain".I hunch that's why with digit-pix
I've lost my grasp of pictures’ tricks;
I gained control in silver-land,
When logs as tools came to my hand.You said to me, "Eight hours a day"
Would help me journey on my way;
Was that in fact your clue to me
"It's logarithmic, can't you see?"They taught me math way back in school,
I thought in maths I was a fool;
I see that I don't learn that way –
"Experimental's" seen today.Then Jacques was one who laid it out,
His "time span" work without a doubt
Relates to this – that "felt fair pay"
Is geometric all the way.And maybe that's what's going on –
I'm shifting up, I've not been "wrong" –
I could not see what issue was,
Effect I saw, but not the cause.You said, "Take Boldt, and you, and me,
Within this sick economy
We could make hay if only we
Could this one factor clearly see:Just how to link up pay to curve,
Avoid suppressor's deadening swerve;
You see it far more clear than me,
I see "commission-dectomy.For me it goes back to the womb:
"This family has in it no room;
Your presence we must tolerate" –
‘Begrudged’ the crumbs that filled my plate.So I grew up contemptuous
Of gifts begrudged with subtle fuss;
But that was sick, I see it now,
And choose to move beyond, somehow.What complex, layered, folks are we,
Which opens questions up for me –
An endless stream which stimulates
My life – where I participate."Oh I remember – you're the one,
As curious, you've found your fun
In finding out just how things were
Not seemingly, but known for sure."Yup – that is me, a man of quest,
Once problem's seen I feel the zest –
Especially in the "how-to" sphere,
Enable folks to do what's dear.Catch-22 – I see a bit –
Begrudged resource; I did not fit;
But when I tried to earn a buck,
"Don't commerce do, or play with luck."Okay it's time to change my ways
As I live out remaining days;
Enough of all that twisted thought,
It nonsense is, and so much rot.I think the answer lies for me
In Davis book, my number three;
Then as I spin that tale of woe,
I'll see what I already know.Each paradigm I pioneer,
A way I see as it comes clear,
Which I pass on – but there's a catch:
How best the price to product match?"navigation