I know a guy who cannot see,
With eyes, that is, but goodness me!
His inner sight of what's around,
Surpasses those whose sight is sound.His seeing-eye-dog sensed a lot,
But could not tell when in you walked
If you were angry or afraid,
So sensed attack as being made.Our eyesight is a precious thing –
It's threatened loss can terror bring
To one like me, whose photographs
Form part of life that makes me laugh.Oh yes, I know there's inner sight;
Computer tools make burdens light;
But seeing clear important is –
I'm interactive in my biz.Like yesterday in coffee-chat –
The tennis ball rebounded back,
And in his swing, and circled talk,
I saw it clear – the road they walked.How could I not have seen before?
It's clear as day, an open door –
Oh well, I see (can I want more?)
Their culture's code – such ancient lore."How to" comes easy to my mind
Once goal is seen, it forms a line
From here to there, around the rocks,
An easy route – one door, no locks.That inner-sight would not be lost,
Though input-process would get tossed;
I guess "be careful" is the way –
My eyes protect through coming days.navigation