Far Enough

"Don't you believe that's far enough?"
Crooned singer, Don, ’bout love that's tough
"Don't you believe it's true?" as well –
I woke – those words depict his hell.

Not singer's hell of love gone wrong,
But business owner's – that's his song;
The might of cash o’er right of way
Killed potency in light of day.

For downside-Givers are a pain;
Administrators just the same;
Some folks think winning says it all –
It's been that way since Adam's fall.

Salt, light, and leaven – entering?
Against such evil there have been
The gentle people with their fights –
Like submarines beneath the night.

But I was raised that awful way,
And yes, such actions win the day;
But in the end, I hate to see
Destruction of community.

"But who has wrecked it – him or me?
Rich get a “by”, it's me they see;
Like cheating in the hockey sport;
The ref sees actions of retort.

"Leave vengeance part to me, you guys”,
For humans that is always wise –
For power is not  handled well
By folks within some piece of hell.

I did not fight, protected kin;
They pressed a fight I could not win;
I was not noble – left the field;
They do not win when other yields.

"A scrapper", – that is how I'm viewed;
"To top it off, he is sometimes rude";
But bullies rule each playground game,
Reflecting dads who do the same.

I think of old, of Gideon,
Who hid and skulked beneath the sun,
Until his brother took a hit
Then got involved because of it.

For evil is not overcome
By evil done once war's begun,
But way ahead we take offence
With good that's done to melt defence.

Like slogan, "We can cancer beat",
It's true enough – so jointly seek
A cure by raising tons of cash;
Preventing it should be our task

So let's move upstream in our fight,
And fill our days with deeds of right;
Just as you say, "That's far enough" –
Proactive love, for world that's rough.

The makers of the peace live there;
Not just in war they live their care;
They stitch up blankets for the kids,
Thus from young hearts some anger rid.

They share their friendship; give a voice;
Accept a cost; give life as choice;
They speak against a trend of wrong;
They fill their world with healthful song.

So I return to write my books,
Reflecting how to me this looks;
From here, upstream while we've a choice
And plant my seed's – give hope of voice.
