Whaz Up, My Friend?
Whaz really up, whaz goin’ on?
What's deep inside, where you respond
So quickly – rise and take the bait –
No pause for, “why” – don't hesitate?If I were looking out of you,
I'd look at a mama for a clue,
Because our mamas raised us boys
To be like dad – his ways employ.Of course the girls are raised by dads
To be like mom which they have had;
Then girls will raise their boys like us
And lay that trip on them – what fuss!I lucky am – it stops with me;
I have no girls which sets me free
To not inflict moms darker side
Way down the road where demons hide.So what's the role of dad in this?
A dad like me whose role is missed
Because cross-gender stops with me –
Whatever could my life-role be?An insight comes from Mr. Jung,
“Same-gendered parent is the one
Who helps the kid adapt the role
Which crosses gender – pole to pole.“Because boys cannot possibly
Take on the role they clearly see
In Grand-Papa on mother's side,
Our dad steps in to modify.Perhaps God this dynamic set
To stabilize kid's lives, and yet
Give room to shift, adjust the fit
Of parent's hope – then live in it.'Tis one-way culture's passed on down
To generations not yet born;
You mess with that, you trouble bring –
Kids tumble, lost, till death-bells ring.Heir Hitler tried it – wrenched the kids
From parents' arms their pasts to rid;
Implanted views of Aryan race;
Made messed-up kids in every case.Up north the elders wisely say,
Unhook from culture is the way
To tumble like a tumbleweed –
Uprooted, yes – and spreading seed.When Europeans left in their lands
Their actions we can understand:
As ships set sail from harbours East,
Their cultured-pasts they quick released.For most, their pasts were pain and mess,
But chucking past is, nonetheless,
Not good when good goes with the bad –
Unstoppable, life's very sad.For culture makes stability,
Not firmly locked – a shift can be –
But kids lock on, and quickly own
The mix at birth, and call that “home”.Instead of culture-busting task,
What if you “culture-questions” ask:
“What is the culture you call home?
Connect with that – no more to roam.”For culture which is “home” for each
Has issues, answers which we seek,
Quite different from the other groups
Which under other burdens stoop.When ways of parents pass to kids,
Life gets efficient, doubt it rids
So kids know boundaries of their yard
In which to play their ball-game hard.Each kid's unique with different gifts,
But stabilized in culture's mix;
The problem to address these days:
Each kid in different culture's raised.So stable life is there for each;
It's early set – don't have to reach
Out to some neighbours’ culture mix –
Enjoy it now – it's problems fix.What if here in this land of snow,
The church would help each kid to know
The nature of his culture-base –
So God could then empower his case.Then lighted people we would see;
Christ's salt enhance what flavours is be;
And leaven raising culture’s bread;
Look! Lives abound amongst the dead!navigation