The Evolution Of An Apostlic (Cross Cultural) Ministry Volume 12 : Arrival
- "Ground Truth " - Jan/24/11
- "Floors And Toilets " - Jan/26/11
- "Church Unity Sunday " - Jan/30/11
- "The Outward Flow Of Intimacy " - Jan/30/11
- "The Gate Behind " - Jan/31/11
- "A Life In Giver-Land " - Feb/01/11
- "Limited View " - Feb/03/11
- "My Father's World " - Feb/08/11
- "This Land Grows Good People " - Feb/09/11
- "Rural Chernobyl " - Feb/10/11
- "The Offense of Naught " - Feb/03/11
- "Remourseless Draft " - Feb/14/11
- "The Teller's Poem " - Feb/17/11
- "St. John " - Feb/17/11
- "Discernment Of The Body " - Feb/17/11
- "A Mother's Prayer " - Feb/18/11
- "End Of A Mother's Role " - Feb/18/11
- "Our Goofs Trnsformed " - Feb/19/11
- "A Foreword Reflection (p. 6-9) " - Feb/26/11
- " X Marks The Spot " - Mar/01/11
- "The Question Not Asked " - Mar/02/11
- "Quest-ion " - Mar/02/11
- "Shift to Volume 13 - Language School "