The problem with money it's power within,
A power to go where we should not have been;
Give power to children they'll blow off their heads;
Give power to foolish, they'll soon all be dead.Not dead as in lifeless, just dead in the drink;
Becalmed on the ocean; caught swirling in sink;
Like coral and oil; a wadi run dry;
They'll go where they shouldn't, and never ask why.God sends me some stupid, and foolish ways,
For cliff-dropping-over to focus their days;
I stopped spending hours convincing such guys
That they've got a problem, “Hey! Open your eyes!”It wastes a good friendship by chattering thus;
My Giver's a second – I see they are nuts;
But seeing and saying are not the same thing,
So I wait in silence, let them do their thing.So, loss to the gifted is under their nose,
I can't stop them going where idiot goes;
Till they see the body with parts making whole,
They'll pour out their money wherever they go.Perceivers hate Givers, and Givers reverse;
Their scams they can spot as each goes for the purse;
I love it! God's gift to the world – Babel light –
An allergy slowing cooperative might.For we suck up money and power each day
So we can play goddess or god in our way
(For God had the power to create this place
And resource a-plenty to pour out His grace).When we see the body and know our place in there,
We stop doing actions which Angels don't dare;
We defer to others, like hands to the ears,
So body can triumph without needless tears.But seeing's not doing – the allergy trumps –
We don't like some giftings, so we take our lumps;
But antidote's present – when we take the cure
The allergy lessens, the body's secure.My hand is quite perfect, but it cannot see;
My eye looks around, cannot pick up for me;
My ear is quite useless, except for the sound
It hears in the darkness when light is not found.Alone, each one suffers from blindness or thirst;
Alone, each one tries to do things they do worst;
Alone in our stubbornness – sick, weak, and dead –
Just glad we're not scripted by some other Head.In life horizontal, perhaps you are right –
Some folks quite abuse us to strengthen their might;
You're right to rebel from such oppressive slings
And arrows of fortune, which servitude brings.But that's not my message, that's stupid, I'm not –
Its uproar surrender – the problem we've got;
We're not at the center of life in this place –
Surrender controlling the whole human race.That frees us to be just a hand, eye, or ear;
To carry all forward; see openings clear;
To cherish our children; play games; laughter make;
Take trips, quests, and journeys; great wonders create.So Stu, that's the theory, you know it quite well;
But knowing's not doing – are you liking hell?
As Phil on the telly says to each new guest,
“How's that working for you?” – Hey, give it a rest!navigation