Scary Thought
When asked about such scary thought
Encountered on the road I walked,
He did not flinch, expected it –
He knew somehow I'd feel the hit.“Don't sweat it, I felt much the same;
You need not worry ’bout his games,
For checks are in community –
It's bigger than he'll ever be.“For if they don't walk out on him
They'll bottom-blow his boat – he'll swim
Before they stand for that too much –
It's classic power-grab and such.“I hate a fettered life in tasks,
And try to dump them, or I ask
To be exempt, but then I find
Myself I've crippled with my mind.“You said it once, (an Ivan quote),
How balance is not in one bloke,
But in the body-life of folk,
And by ourselves we're mist and smoke.”“So can I help avert despair?
Help him before beyond repair?”
“Sure, help him seek community,
And larger scheme he needs to feed.“For we can King-Of-Mountain be
If snow-pile's all that we can see;
We ‘dummy down’ to small enough;
With Lilliputians strut our stuff.“Administrators get things moved,
So they're brought on as if they're grooved;
Then when it's done they pull the rug,
Pass out the watch, and give a hug.“Most people are not fooled by power,
Small movements made within an hour;
But roadblocks blown with dynamite,
For everyone make future bright.“The ‘guest’ and ‘extra’ sally in
And strut their stuff (a place you've been);
Create some space, let in some air;
It's lumpy – seems they do not care.“The key is severance – swift and clean –
For core is not what they have been;
Such little ripple on the pond
Is made the day they are off and gone.“So watch your ass, it might be you
They'll use to execute the fool;
New brooms are used to sweep the floor
When others they want out the door.“Ask who the core and buffer are;
Keep fingers out of cookie jar;
In flow of cash the truth is seen
By cops, and those whose sight is keen.“Ask ‘Who's alarmed when newness comes?’
‘Who's getting tossed out on their bums?’
‘Who gains without a bloodied hand?’
And then such roles you'll understand.“It's going to happen soon or late;
If life you'll save, don't hesitate;
They'll see his weakness, move right in,
Take out his legs, walk on – quite grim.“It can't be stopped, he needs to know;
It's not with malice is the blow;
It's done to save community –
‘Walk with, don't shove, or pull – he'll see’.”“Lift up your eyes and voice, my friend;
Climb higher hills, don't con-descend;
The school's designed for you to learn,
So you'll attain for what you yearn.“Speak from the truth, not of it, man;
Retain your distance best you can;
Watch baited hooks when they appeal;
Have back-up plan in every deal;“Pre-grieve each road you walk along;
Stay close to wife; stay far from wrong;
Find outside place for excellence;
Keep outside job – they'll make you dance;“You've got a lot on wish-list new;
There's endless things for you to do;
Get ticket punched; the way to up
Is down, in-service, bitter cup.”Lord, as I watch all this transpire,
There's things to which I too aspire –
“What's going on?” “Why all this mess?”
“What of this truth I now confess?”“Like Lori’s words, to you, my son;
‘The strife is o’er’ and ‘Battle won’,
‘Now is the victor's song begun’,
Let praise of triumph's bells be rung.“For now's the day of sweet release;
It's come for people craving peace;
You wanted to live in a town
Before you took the cup and gown.“Be careful what you ask for, Stu,
For I pay heed, give it to you;
Fulfill the deep desires of heart;
Bring things to pass; new life impart;“Live out Returning's words of old;
Live where you are; be gentle-bold;
Matured and grown on exile's road;
In Christ come under Brandon's load.navigation