Remembrance Day 2010
The Jews recall each year anew
A life confined where they once grew –
In Egypt where as slaves they got
So big in numbers, strength, they sought –To have constricted life no more;
To freely enter, exit doors,
Both in their routine business day,
And in their special holy ways.But now they view not just the past
But current life, the year just passed –
“What land constricted have we left
Through journey rough and future met?“Have we our ‘Red Sea’ crossed in fact?
Or to the slave-pots journeyed back?
Have we accepted guiding hands?
And ventured forth to Promised Lands?”Of course, ‘Yom Kippur’, New Year's Day,
Evokes such thoughts a different way
In that it's sober second thought,
But here it's ventured-life which ought –To happen as our lives unfold,
As we spin flax to threads of gold
(Save for our hearts which melt with fear
And summon vain regretful tears).So now, for us in land of snow
As autumn fades, we pause to know
If we, as torch was passed to us,
Have ventured forth beyond their fuss.What have we done in freedom-land?
Just stuffed our faces? Raised our clan?
Have we moved forward in their peace
That all mankind can find release?For shooting end of gun is fine,
Receiving end is not sublime;
So as we shoot, let's hesitate –
Think of our world where freedom waits.navigation