Bar Mitzvah
Investing in my grandson's life and world
Is ‘cool’ indeed, amidst my current whirl;
To share with him the little bit I know
Of camping, music, art – on trips we'd go;The years of swimming pools each Friday night,
Before I had the problem with my sight;
The chats, and jokes, and listening to him read;
The plots of garden, indoor garden seed;The concerts, movies, shows, and sports events;
The camping trips, (the bear that time we went);
The Christmas eves, and the gifts on Christmas day;
The family weekends – all the games we played;The walks and bike trips, climbing-structures near;
Our games of tag, and freight-trains that we cheered;
First steps, and yarns of ‘tortoise and the hare’;
Our swapping e-mails, music we've compared;Computer games, and simulating flight;
The hide and seek, the chess, and cooking nights;
At Christmas, setting up the crèche and tree;
The thousand toys you brought for me to see.For every Friday night near thirteen years,
We journeyed several hours when you'd come here;
It changed a lot with sister halfway through –
Enriched with laughter, fun, and April Fool.Tonight I heard that crackle in your voice,
Which signals changes coming for young boys –
That quantum leap – like walking, talking, thought;
Like science fairs, and school events we've watched;Like rising height; the fencing, judo, band;
The concepts in your mind; your gentle hand;
Excitement new each stage you've entered in;
The dances fast (or slow – retreating – grin);Your friends, and biking out beyond your block;
The snippets we have heard with others’ talk.
And now with teenage years approaching soon
Constricted-land will open giving room –For world of new transitions, higher hills
To climb, explore, bringing threats and thrills;
The easing off of shelter from the storm;
And exploration – paths our feet have worn;And then those paths of life each gets to make,
Which hold the chance of life – some prize to take –
No guarantees, but chance to enter in
The struggles of mankind, with good and sin;A place within community, a part
To play out as you wish with mind and heart;
Perhaps someday with family of your own,
A chance to laugh and cry, and make a home.But now – this day of changing of your voice,
Before more changes come, and days of choice,
I stop this night and celebrate our past,
And thank you for investments that will last.For you have added so much to my life,
These six or seven hundred Friday nights;
These few short lines can scarcely touch my goal
Of stating ways you've woven in my soul.The parting of our ways will carry on –
It's how life is from days when we were young;
That's good, not bad – for freedom we are built;
We're given feet to walk from mother's milk.Our world today – one big community,
Which stretches round the globe – so much to see
And do in our short years – a lot of ways
To do our chosen lifestyles, live our days.Of course it's blessed and cursed by fellow man –
They limit us, yet help us when they can;
They challenge us, demand we play our part;
And give a chance to share a loving heart.Transitions, hormones, learning-curves, and cars;
Or airplanes, boats, computer-world that's ours,
Will soon fill days with wonderment and fright –
That's fine – some days you'll smile back – like this night.navigation