Walkin’ Time
My auntie went to Hamilton
To lead the Church called ‘Number One’;
Three days, then it burned to the ground;
They stood there dazed; she looked around –“A glass half-empty, or half-full?
Are we to sit and gather wool?
Let's see what's here, outside the box,
If first we hear when neighbour talks.“Said Jesus, love God and mankind;
Reach to the deaf, halt, lame, and blind;
Don't leave your brain at church’s door,
But bring it in to love God more.”So off they went to figure out
How building money, spread about,
Might take them to ‘First Place’ and then
Up overtop, their city mend.They won – called center theirs, “First Place”
For they had won their human race;
With housing for full-spectrum line
Of neighbours, it was quite sublime.So too, for me, a few days in,
As this new ministry begins,
The spectre of untimely death
Fair took away my present breath.Apart from that, things plesant are;
Like water in a half-filled jar –
Recalling night long time ago
A fellow brought his jar, quite low.Said, “Sir, a friend gave this to me,
Said ‘take it to the preacher, see,
For he will know just what to do
To deal with what is ailing you’.”I did, for ‘water’ talk of Christ
Came to my mind, for this was twice
That Jesus' words would pave the way
For one of poor in life today:“If someone gives cold water glass
To quench your thirst, as lad or lass,
Because you go under My name,
I will reward you both the same.”So as I stagger to my feet
And brace myself, (what I may meet
May suck up my resource with strife
But braced, I now can still do life).I may not have tomorrow's time
To frit way, and that's just fine –
I've got today, least part thereof
To implement God's earthly love.For race is not to fleet of foot;
The battle oft the strong forsook;
The wise don't always win the bread;
Nor riches go where wisdom's said;Nor favour to the men of skill;
For there are factors more than will –
Time can run out on anyone
And chance plays games beneath the sun (1).A wake-up call I have received;
And Lord, your Word I have believed;
It's glued upon shoe leather mine;
I thank you, Lord, it's walkin’ time.(1) Eccl 9:11