My Topsy-Turvy Little Book
My topsy-turvy little book
Gives me a health-ful second look
At life ahead throughout these days
Of cancer’s rolling hilly ways.It speaks of hope and hopelessness;
Of ways made open from this mess;
Of little kids, their food and tasks;
Of days ahead, just like my past.Today's, tomorrow's; change for us;
Confusion’s corner; five-year fuss;
The truth revealed just o'er the page;
With long-time prospects to engage.Unusual suspects; in the Bush
Last stand it seems where life is mush;
But hey, the page turns over now
To start again at first somehow.To – day indeed with all its change
As food consumed is now exchanged
For cash at stand of lemonade –
Tomorrow's man has just been made.I turn the book top over ways
It's upside down like present days;
But turned again, it's right-side up
With bitter lemons there to suck.So with my mind a jumbled mess,
And pressure in me somewhat less,
I turn t’wards home, fold little book,
And thank you God, I art-course took.navigation