Random - Sequential
My ‘randomness’, ‘sequential’ seems
When I stand back, see what it means;
All these small parts in which I dare
To follow, Lord, your guidance, where –On surface it is ‘this and that’
But 'neath that, elegant in fact;
Laid out and gleaming in the sun –
Successive stages have been run:“First steps” set out, quite small last year;
“The change” to others views I hear;
“The pictures” – me – as seed that's sown;
“Move on” – where UC seen as done –“The plunge” see views as other folk;
“The mandate” words to ease their yoke;
Now “giver land” first days on beach
Of this new land, these folks to reach.Echoes of start at Sandy Lake –
First mornings when I'd first awake
And start my work past breakfast time
Exploring job – context that's mine.The move took lots of energy
And here new house for you and me.
We saw new sector of the world
’Fore long our life became a whirl.I did that life as we'd been shown
In school; by models we had known;
How we'd been raised throughout our days;
What we'd seen through observant ways.Quite quickly we became aware
All past approaches useless there;
New world this was, new people to,
New challenge there for me and you.I sought out the links to structured life –
Quite cute, but useless in the strife
Which inward was just up the road
Entwined for us in row we hoed.But we found Grace provided when
'Twas needed most, we moved on then
To each new step and stage of task
Till we were stretched beyond our past.This week, which started yesterday,
New Van for mom checked out okay;
The UC 85th birthday;
And bus ride home, relaxed that way –Now shifts to nitty-gritty life round here:
House fixing, doctors, tax two years,
The lawn, and art, our transplants in,
Keep me full grounded, game to win.Like then, first day was written off
With service, family time, a loss
To major work I'd then engage
As Monday turned another page.And yet the way I first day walked
Spoke volumes, for my actions talked;
So here again first day for me –
Your loving guidance plain to see.The mist of dawn on valley floor
In morning rays lit up once more;
Such beauty in this town now seen
Like Severn mornings where we've been.I thank you Lord for fitting me
Back into harness, task to see,
Exciting this new work and place
This tiny niche in human race.Grace me in each small task to see
Your essence in all things, and me;
As we engage in life down here
In tiny dewdrops feel you near.navigation