
I'm sick and tired of people telling me just who I am
As if they had some say within my life;
To me a blessing comes my way, I beat the odds, I live,
I write my books, write poems, love my wife.

I face the challenge of this day, regardless of what's left;
I've doubled life-expectancy of most.
Two challenges I've fought and won, a third remains to do,
Before I go and join that angel host.

Who cares what others think of me, as I reflect on life,
As I observe it swirling past my door;
I do a life that works for me, live moments to the full,
Then share the day with one whom I adore.

I have today, I may not have tomorrow with my mind
Or body fully working as before;
That goes for others too, so they should quick resolve to live,
For all too soon we face that that final door.

When just a kid a man named John at age of eighty-four,
Learned French because he saw the nation's good;
My dad came home at lunch and said “That's how to live one's life”
Just look around, pick up the things you should.

“Not ‘should’ as others lay it out, unless it speaks to you,
For others have survival in their eyes;
But ‘should’ as coming from a drive which comes from deep within,
Regardless how much time before one dies.

So on these days when I'm reminded of declining years,
With failing strength and faculty of thought
In self and others who in former days in sandbox played,
I think of John, and ‘parlez’ as I ought.
