Some Books
Some books I find I cannot read
Lest in my heart their words I heed,
Then fall into despairing pit
And lose my hope because of it.I don't know why it's been that way,
It's not so much the things they say,
For often others say as much
And I can hear without the fuss.It's more an attitude that grates
Upon my soul, bangs at its gates
Demanding entry, seizing throne
Until it's hopeless ways I own.It's at that point I shut things down,
Toss out the book, and look around
For one who better states his case,
Leaves room for me, my thought creates.Then I'm allowed to live again;
To enter discourse; stay the same
Or change my thought when it seems best;
Not tow the line, think like the rest.So as I think about those books
Which I can't read, to me it looks
Like authors ways shut thinking down,
And push my being to the ground.Encourager's quite hopeful are,
But when they're down, they're down by far;
I can't go there, like yesteryear,
So toss such books, face life, no fear.Perhaps I'll miss some gallant thought;
Do life confused, some light not caught;
At least I'll get to live today,
And face tomorrow's hopeful way.navigation