Pictures Vs. Words

How can I do this in pictures, my Lord?
Doing my task here without any words;
Snapping my camera at what's all about,
Making, creating, in the midst of this doubt.

Maybe it's not what I see in my world,
Peaceful and quiet, or life in the swirl;
Maybe it's more what you want to convey,
“Steward of word” as on that special day.

Maybe slow learner of task’s what I am,
Forty-odd years to see way that I can
Play out your vision of me in this mix,
Closing my mouth, pouring out through my pix.

Now that I've seen how constraint plays a part,
Maybe more chance it will flow through my art;
If in the kitchen we spill all the tea
Nothing remains at the sofa for thee.

So what of this – all these words in a line –
Compact they are, sharing concepts divine;
Needed as yet – boiling down what is sweet,
Like maple syrup, word-pictures to eat.

“So, keep on writing; cut length down to size;
Let the words flow from the page to your eyes;
Maybe sometime down the road you will see,
Pictures direct from the word that's from Me.”
