The Two Coconuts

Two coconuts the man held up
Upon a desert isle,
To get the milk and fruit from them
A problem for a while –
No rocks around to smash the shells
No tools or hammers big;
But then he had a brilliant thought
As he his arms could swing.

If he could line the coconuts
To smash against each other,
Then they would both be there for him
With very little bother.
The problem was if not done right.
He'd only half obtain,
The other solid coconut
Quite intact would remain.

Like coconuts we are in life
As we rest in God's hands,
To open up the fruit and milk
He does the best he can.
Sometimes he sees two coconuts
Quite firm in their mistakes,
And lines them up to intersect
No crying sound each makes.

Then ‘Whap', they meet and bang their heads
Sometimes it's more than once;
Then one gives way and is some use
The other plays the dunce.
I've been there lots – like ones we meet
Deserve us, as we them;
When we connect its volatile –
Response to prayer we send.
