This Amazing Guy

God once made this amazing guy
(No one was quite surprised as I
For I wrote off what I had seen
As useless as Jack's beanstalk bean).

Like saying, ‘God did not make junk’
Though days we saw him in blue funk;
For he despaired to hero be
In anything that folks could see.

Then looking back one cloudy day,
He sketched it out, as was his way;
Surprised he was to see at last,
God's hand at work through all his past.

When he saw what God had in mind,
To bless through him God's humankind,
And he looked closely at himself,
Quite shocked he was at latent wealth.

For when with task he matched things up,
Like hand in glove, man fit the cup –
His skills, his gifts, and all he was,
Appropriate for task because –

The things God chose to do through him,
As he round rocky shoals did swim,
All fit together, plugged right in,
Maturing up in spite of him.

So, curious each daily hour;
His ‘this and that's’ freed Spirit's power;
Encouraged by well-fit resource;
His scattered seeds grew crops of course.

Through him God sought out blockages;
Released folks to life's passages;
Held high the leader's arms in fray;
With tools and better process way.

A fancy set of tools were his:
High photo skills; ditch pushing whiz;
Helped groups enrich their towns around;
Made tools; good info fast was found.

All that came clear as years went by
But missing was the ‘what’ and ‘why’
Of larger picture – what God's plan
For this confused and stumbling man.

And then he saw it – back at first –
‘To upgrade Church his hunger, thirst’
But cleanup for that work first task –
When good enough, hit road at last.

‘Plan B’, indeed, set things up right –
‘Plan A’ unfolded through that night;
So when the dawning light broke through
Quite clear his task – prepared well too.

One simple piece through him would pass,
(Revitalize the Church at last)
‘Apostle’ concept – treasure lost
Found in a field bought at great cost –

But now available for all
So church could serve our world now small
Third culture kid from Echo-land
On bridging-ground was found to stand.

In passing, God three things would do:
Refresh the church, First Nations too,
Then giver-group reintegrate
In body-life participate.

But miracle of all this trek
Was seen in fit – though man a wreck;
In cleaning up that messy site,
The piece was found that set things right.

He ‘was’: so wondered, ‘what the heck?!’;
And Spirit's power set free to wreck
Up status quo which did not fit;
Resourced; enabled through all it.

And now, with laughter at himself,
He scampers down off side-lined shelf;
“Fifth thing I am – ‘myself I'll be –
This crop will grow through scattered seed”.
