First Steps
“The King is dead”, they used to say,
“Long live the King” – took breath away
How fast it followed statement one,
Because transition was all done.The passing in a king’s context
Was rise of his successor next;
No interruption of the line
To give an interloper time –To gain a foothold on the throne
And seize the assets of the home
In which the heir had grown into
The kingly task as his to do.It seems quite quaint to us these days
Steeped now in democratic ways,
But still it’s done for Brits and us
Ensures succession without fuss.The other day the poems ceased
As other interests now increased;
The central issue of my breath
Had simply risen up and left.Surprised I was, but what the heck
My basement office was a wreck,
The chores and upkeep long undone
Was calling now “be number one’.But even more, the ‘passion test’
Was calling out, “To heck with rest,
Get on with life now crisis past
With what you’re made for, at long last”.So here I am, now three days in
To task exciting deep within.
Not all that much has changed for me
Except succession’s shift I see.For several months usurper sat
On lifely throne – imagine that –
He thought he could hold kingly sway
Suspend my life, make pass away.Despite his fancy clothes and crown
(It’s just a uniform put on),
King Death has died so long ago
Though took a while for me to know.So here I am, day three on task
Direction something I still ask;
The road’s been walked these three years now
Since ‘TCK’ emerged somehow.Of course that part of my past days
Has colored my vocation’s ways;
Since Apostolic’s all I’ve done
My knowing that’s increased the fun.The heroine (Wizard of Oz)
Got swept up from her home because
A big tornado hit her home –
A while in Oz with friends did roam.They sought the Wizard, keen to meet
So they could get what each did seek;
The Wizard was a dressed up guy;
She woke from dream quite changed, as I.So, nothing’s changed except in me
From whirlwind that carried me
On journey through that cancer-land –
I wake up now, my task at hand.Some things came out of journey thing –
It clarified, insights did bring
About myself, and life, and task,
As I re-enter world at last.‘Apostle’ is the name of it
‘To border-cross’ – don’t take a fit –
Encumbered up with years of trash
Just like my basement, if you ask –For centuries folks added on
Their meanings to this word – a ton;
When finished they in basement put
And fresher meanings for it tookBut none of them took out the trash,
Or meaning for today has asked,
So back to root I go and say,
A ‘Border-crosser’ is today.Because as TCK my way
Is crossing borders every day;
It’s more a question where to live,
And what of words, and acts, to give.For sixty years plus two I’ve grown
Evolved from tiny seed He’s sown,
Cleaned up and ready, made to be
Scattered by whirlwind just like she.Like throwing dice I’ve landed here
‘My number’s up’ I recent feared;
But no, that number marks the chance
To move to Boardwalk’s high romance.So what’s the place, what could it be?
Ah! Land of folks’ prosperity.
The Givers and Financiers here
With all of life which they hold dear.The road of bricks quite yellow seems
With sun reflecting golden beams;
A pot of gold at rainbow’s end?
Strange place to now apostle send.The ‘giver’ gift my second is,
‘Encouragement’ the first, then ‘biz’,
(Administator) as the third,
When tested by the Fortunes’ words.When Y-WAM’s kids land on the dock
Three days of food, then they must walk
Their own way into their new land
And find a way to lend a hand.When Bruchko went to jungle land
One-way his ticket – had to stand
Some tough adjustments moving there
To live their way and show his care.How lucky I have been till now
Supported as I’ve learned just how,
And when , and where, and why to go
Though still so much I still don't know.So here I am as I start out
Apostleship my task, no doubt
Just ask my wife, for she has seen
“Apossible to live with’s been”.But jokes aside, this task I’ll do –
To wander in and live with you;
Not over and against but one
With you, and maybe have some fun.So this like leaven in some bread;
Or seed cleaned up by farmer spread;
Or candle light on bucket top;
First steps these of Apostle’s walk.navigation